Revive & Respawn Etiquette

Revive and Respawn Etiquette

Here’s what to do if you find yourself awaiting revive or respawn or if your teammate is knocked or killed.

Reviving or Respawning Your Teammate


Here are some good teammate guidelines for reviving your teammate:

  • Revive your teammates at the first reasonably safe opportunity. Do not loot first.
  • Do not revive your teammate in when doing so will likely result in you both being killed (with rare exception when there is a lack of better options)

The best option is to pick up your teammates banner at the first safe opportunity following a fight. Do not loot first. If you are in the midst of a fight and your teammate’s banner is timing out, it can be worth the additional risk of grabbing a banner during a firefight. The banner animation can be slow, so take that into account as you are vulnerable at this time. However, it is often worth a “side mission” during a firefight to rescue a banner near timeout.

Respawn Beacon

Here are some rules of etiquette when respawning a teammate:

  • If there is a nearby beacon that is within the ring (or with enough time before it falls outside the ring), bring your teammate back first - prior to looting. This gives you the best chance with a full squad and them an opportunity to retrieve their loot.
  • If immediate respawning is not available, respawn them at the nearest safe beacon - away from any ongoing firefights.
  • Stay nearby to cover your teammate during respawn. They are vulnerable and the drop ship draws immediate attention, so keep within a distance where you can assist should enemies arrive. After all, what’s the point of respawning them at all if you intend to abandon them to immediate death?

Waiting to Be Revived or Respawned

For the love of God…

  • Do not repeatedly and incessantly ping your death box for banner pickup - in general, but especially during a firefight.
  • Do not repeatedly and incessantly ping your the respawn beacon - in general, but especially during a firefight.
  • Do not yell at your teammates for causing your demise.
  • Do not yell at your teammates should they need to loot your box for urgent health or ammo (see loot boxes for more).
  • Do not yell at your teammates should they loot your box that will be inaccessible due to ring closure (see loot boxes for more).
  • Do not yell at your teammates or insist that they revive or respawn you during a firefight.

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